amelia007 amelia007

Twardy dysk

amelia007 amelia007 Rozmaitości Obserwuj notkę 4

Taki tytuł, bo cytaty znalezione na twardym dysku mojego komputera i dlatego, że wspomnienia też mogą być jak te perełki czasem znalezione przypadkiem przy robieniu porządku na twardym dysku komputera.


Trzeba wyzbyć się lęku, który paraliżuje i zniewala umysły i ludzkie serce. Tu powtarzam często wypowiadane z tego miejsca zdanie, że bać się trzeba tylko zdrady Chrystusa za parę srebrników jałowego spokoju.

(Kazania, 26.08.1984, bł. ks. Jerzy Popiełuszko)


People who have the most to offer usually believe in themselves the least.

There's a reason why people say we shouldn't expect too much, no one wants to see someone they care about end up disappointed. We instinctively act to protect our own from being hurt, and do what we can to make the right choices for people we love. But the reason we have expectations in the first place, is because we want to aim as high as we can. Because when you love someone, there's no limit to what you can accomplish.

The bonds we form with other people can help us through any setback... genuine friendship will survive any dispute or competition... and true partnership provides strength in times of trouble and confusion.

The road we travel is unpredictable. Sometimes it's smooth and sometimes it's filled with bumps, but if we're lucky we find people to travel with us.

We all struggle to find the right path to take in life. It’s not always easy to know what that is, or where it will lead us. In the end it’s the people in our lives that provide us the balance to help us make it through.

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times. If one only remembers to turn on the light.


z filmu: Kyle XY

O mnie amelia007

rustykalna by nie rzec abnegatka wobec spraw materialnych:)

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