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Nathanel Nathanel

Świat w/g PO czyli nie ANNA a Henia !

Nathanel Nathanel Polityka Obserwuj notkę 5

Tak ! Pan szef MSZ robi tez za malarza i zamalowuje ,zamalowane biale plamy.

Taka plama okazuje sie ŚP Anna Walentynowicz i dlatego milosciwie nam panujacy ,zastepuja jej legende, legenda na uzytek aktualnej wladzy. Na razie wciska sie ciemnote w agendach ONZ-tu.


High-level panel discussion "Women as a Critical Force in Democratic Governance"

Address by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Mr. Radosław Sikorski.


"Solidarity, the Polish mass social movement that was instrumental in toppling communism, had its fair share of heroines. Women managed underground publications and smuggled anti-regime material. They ran households while their husbands were in prison. They brought compassion, empathy and a sense of stability to the entire movement. Ms. Henryka Krzywonos, a 27 year-old tram driver, set in motion the historic 1980 anti-regime strikes in Gdansk by hitting the brakes on her streetcar, and thereby kick-starting industrial action across the public transport network. She was persecuted, beaten, and denied work. But she refused to give up her ideals and persisted with her underground activities. Today, young Poles express their admiration for her on her Facebook fanpage (which counts almost 60,000 members). They marvel at her opposition activity, but also at the quiet life she has led as a foster parent to 12 children after the democratic transition. Democracy  allowed Henryka Krzywonos to become who she wanted to be."

Dwadziescia lat  trzeba bylo czekac aby mozna bylo zaczac mowic takie farmazony. Niedawno czytalem , ze to jak w skeczu kabaretu Laskowika " Tjamwaj sie zepsiul" a nie zadna akcja strajkowa byla. Ale to pewnie nowe podziemie takie antypanstwowe klamstwa wypuszcza.

Heni wkrotce doczeka sie lotniska swego imienia .

Nam pozostanie tylko sluchac chichotu falszowanej histori.

O mnie Nathanel

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