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Co prawda amerykanie nowego prezydenta wybiorą dopiero w przyszłym roku, a przysięgę przed Kongresem złoży on dopiero w styczniu 2013 roku, kampania wyborcza powoli się rozkręca. Machiny obydwu partii działają już od kilkunastu tygodni. To najlepszy moment, by osoby interesujące się polityką, zaczęły śledzić kulisy święta  amerykańskiej demokracji, jakim bez wątpienia są wybory. Na moją skrzynkę mailową trafia co raz więcej informacji i apeli. Zachęcam do subskrypcji newsletterów dwóch największych partii i kilku najciekawszych kandydatów. Szczególnie ciekawy jest proces mobilizacji wyborców, a pomysłowość partyjnych propagandzistów najlepiej oddają setki spotów wyborczych. 

Oto najnowsza wiadomość ze sztabu Republikanów:

Dear Friend,

The Republican Party won a great victory over the Big Union bosses and Obama Democrats Tuesday night, and we could not have done it without the support you have given the RNC.

Last November, Wisconsin voters elected new leaders to get their state back on track. When they did, union bosses lost their allies in the state house and vowed to stop at nothing to return Wisconsin to the failed politics-as-usual. They orchestrated a recall election for selfish political retribution -- all the while Governor Scott Walker and Republicans in Wisconsin worked to put people back to work and turned deficits into surpluses.

This past Tuesday, Wisconsin voters reaffirmed their support of Republican leadership in their state and rejected the reckless spending of Wisconsin Democrats and the downgrade-inducing policies of their Washington counterparts. The people have given their seal of approval to Republicans' successful efforts to balance the budget and ensure a healthy economy.

Because of your support of the RNC, Friend, we were able to help the Wisconsin Party's grassroots efforts and provide strategic resources to keep our majority in the state senate.

  • We provided staff on the ground;
  • Funded a voter ID program;
  • Worked with the Wisconsin Party on contact lists and a Get-Out-The-Vote plan;
  • Provided Get-Out-The-Vote technology and equipment to the state party; and,
  • Funded the absentee ballot program.

None of this would have been possible without your financial support of the Republican National Committee.

We are currently laying the groundwork to take the fight to the Obama Democrats nationwide in the 2011 state and 2012 presidential elections. We intend to challenge Barack Obama in every state, fund a robust Get-Out-The-Vote program and get the truth about the disastrous consequences of his economic policies around the liberal media filter and directly to the voters so we can defeat him in 2012. But we cannot do it without your continuing generous support.

Friend, help us lay the foundation to win back the White House, regain total control of Congress and ensure Barack Obama is a one-term president by making a contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more today. Please give as generously as you can. Thank you.


Reince Priebus
Chairman, Republican National Committee

P.S. Friend, in 2008 Obama carried each of the six Wisconsin senate districts that they targeted for recall. After these districts went Republican last fall, the Obama Democrats went all in these races, outspent our side 2 to 1 and still failed. Wisconsin, once a solid blue state, is now red. Help the RNC keep the ball rolling by making a special campaign contribution today of $25, $50, $100 or more. Whatever you can contribute today is a great help! Thank you.

O mnie Jaćwing

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