Basia klika na Salonie24 Basia klika na Salonie24

Światowy Konges Żydów nawołuje do bojkotu Polski

Basia klika na Salonie24 Basia klika na Salonie24 Polityka Obserwuj notkę 11

Siedzę sobie właśnie od kilku dni w Tel-Avivie. Pogoda przepiękna, ale słonko jakiś czas temu zaszło a do imprezowania zostało jeszcze parę godzin (imprezy rozkręcają się dopiero ok. północy). Tak więc jednym słowem miałam chwilkę wolnego czasu. Odpaliłam zatem kompa, weszłam na i w oczy rzucił mi się artykuł "Światowy Kongres Żydów nawołuje do bojkotu Polski". Co prawda okazało się, że to nie WJC tylko Wiceprzewodniczący Amerykańskiego Stowarzyszenia Ocalałych z Holocaustu, ale mimo wszystko ukazało się to na stronie internetowej WJC i trochę mnie ruszyło. Artykuł jest tak niedorzeczny i przesiąknięty antypolskimi stereotypami, że chcąc nie chcąc wysiliłam trochę mózgownicę i napisałam komentarz. Kliknęłam go do WJC jakieś pół godziny temu i jeszcze się nie pokazał. Mam nadzieję, że nie bawią się tam w cenzurę i temu podobne.

Jak nawaliłam jakieś językowe albo logiczne babole, to dajcie mi znać. Czaszka mi jeszcze dymi po dzisiejszym słońcu. Pozdrawiam z Amsterdamu Bliskiego Wschodu!


Dear Sir,

As a Pole and a long-term devoted friend of Israel and Jewish people, I’m deeply concerned with your analysis.

Firstly, you question the application of the US-Poland international treaty to this specific case of the potential claims of the US nationals towards Poland purely on the conclusions of the US Foreign Claims Settlement Commission.  In all civilized countries, and I hope you would agree that the US is one of them, the legal interpretation of the international agreement, performed by only one of the parties concerned cannot be considered valid and binding to the other party of the international agreement. Therefore I would kindly ask you to limit your remarks, interpretation and analysis purely to the text of the international agreement. It’s not that long, it’s easy accessible – you can find it on the Polish Foreign Ministry web site and most of all, it’s unambiguous. It settled the potential claims of the US nationals with respect to nationalization of property which occurred on or before entry into force of this agreement (1960). I’m deeply concerned that the US government is not willing to fulfill its commitments towards US citizens in accordance with the international treaty between Poland and US of 1960 and is refusing to indemnify for the nationalized property in Poland. Therefore I hope that the Polish Government would provide you with the legal and diplomatic support in your dispute with the US authorities.

Secondly, I’m deeply disappointed with your “reductio ad Hitlerum” approach in your analysis of the complicated issue of the coexistence of Jews and Poles before, during and shortly after the war. As much disappointed, as I usually am while reading Polish newspapers and internet which is full of “reductio ad Stalinum” arguments regarding the role of the Polish Jews during Soviet occupation of eastern Poland in 1939-1941 and shortly after the war. It’s not even refreshing – it’s the same old song, but sang a rebours.

Thirdly, you urge the Jewish community to stop injecting tourist and other dollars to Poland. It will not be very effective, really. Polish economy and tourism, in particular, are not at all dependent on the Jewish investors and tourists. On the contrary, your appeal to boycott Poland will put as a few years back in the difficult process of the Polish-Jewish reconciliation. It will be regarded by vast majority of common Poles as a hostile gesture and would not help at all to defy the unfortunately still present stereotype of Jews being the enemies of Poland. While writing this, I’m sitting in one of the restaurants on Dizengoff Street, Tel Aviv. And you know what? I’m not going to, as a retortion to your boycott, stop injecting Polish zlotys to the Israeli tourism. I love this country, I love these people and I sincerely hope that, despite frustrated individuals, we can really become friends.

Shalom ve lo lehitraot,

Basia Klika

Jestem magistrem ekonomii. Moja pasja to muzyka barokowa, spacery po lesie i czytanie gazet. Nie gram w golfa.

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