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Fragments of secret teaching - vol.9 - About the governing strategy

Author | ~ Fight The NWO [202.81.162. *] 2009-06-26 23:20

Motto: "Divide Et Impera" (Divide and rule)
Latin maxim

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Protocols of the Elders of Zion - 1897 - Fragments
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- On capturing public opinion -

"In order to overwhelm public opinion, it must be confused by preaching so many contradictory views from all sides and as long as the gentiles do not wander through this maze and understand that it is best not to have any beliefs about political matters that society does not. it can be conscious, because only those who run society are aware of them!

The second, which is necessary for successful governance, is to multiply national defects, habits, passions, conditions of coexistence, so that no one can understand this chaos and that people stop understanding each other. This measure will serve to sow dissension even among all parties to the dismemberment of the armed forces who do not want to humble yet before us, having no courage to all personal initiative, able to harm even a little on our own. "

- The international quarrels -

"For the time being, a worldwide coalition of goyim could deal with us, but we are protected against a similar phenomenon by those seeds of interstate strife that cannot break out of the ground. the hearts of goyim over 20 centuries. Thanks to all this, no country stretching out a hand will receive a kindly hug, because every man must think that it is unfavorable for him to agree against us. We are too strong, we must be reckoned with. States cannot create alliances without our secret participation. "

"In the whole of Europe, and in its relations and on other tracks, we should also cause unrest, feud and discord. There is a double profit from this: firstly, we respect all countries. We know that it is our will to cause disturbances or bring order. All these countries have already got used to seeing us as necessary oppression. Second: - by means of intrigue, we will weave the threads connecting us to the governments of all countries through politics, economic treaties or monetary obligations. .... "

- On terror -

" We are the source of all-encompassing terror, we have all views, all principles at the service of people: monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists and all utopians.

We put them all to work. Each of them rolls the remnants of power like a worm, tries to overthrow the entire established system. All states are exhausted by these actions: they call for peace, ready to sacrifice everything for it: but we will not give them peace until they openly and humbly recognize our International Government.
Peoples cry that it is necessary to settle the social question through an international agreement. Fragmentation into parties put them all at our disposal, because if you want to fight a competitive fight, you must have money that is entirely in our possession. "
Fragments of the secret teaching - vol.8 - About the false economy.
Author | ~ Fight The NWO [202.81.162. *] 2009-06-26 23:06
Motto: The real history of civilization is forbidden. Powerful conspiracies only allow a distorted version to be published. People who think they are free of programmed views because they consider themselves free thinkers, anarchists, or freemasons, are in fact steered by a powerful dictatorship that conditions their activities and behavior.
Robert Charroux

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Protocols of the Elders of Zion - 1897 - Fragments
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- On demoralization and stupidity -

"First, we fooled, drugged and demoralized the youth of the goyim by being educated in principles known to us to be false but instilled by us."

"The main task of our government is to weaken the social reason by criticism, to unlearn from considerations that may provoke resistance, and to turn intellectual forces towards meaningless oratory."

- On statism and invented economic theories -

"Willing the goyim not to prematurely perceive the essential goal of actions, we will cover it with the alleged striving to serve the poor, the working class and great economic and propaganda principles ... which will serve the economic theories we invented."

- On the privatization of state-owned entities -

"The concentration of industry in the hands of the capitalists, who seized the entire people's industry, sucked all the juices out of this people, and thus of the entire state."

- On state interventions in the labor market -

" in excess of this reserve, they should be returned to circulation. From these sums public works will be organized. The initiative of such works, coming from official sources, will bind the working class to the interests of the state and to their rulers. "

- On the credibility of reporting institutions -

"The reporting office will be properly organized by us ......"
Fragments of secret teaching - vol.7 - On money and inflation
Author | ~ Fight The NWO [202.81.162. *] 2009-06-26 22: 44
Motto: "Give me power over money and I will no longer care about who is the law"
Mayer Amschel Rotschild

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Protocols of the Elders of Zion - 1897 - Fragments
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- On removing the gold standard -

"You know that we made the zloty disastrous for the countries that introduced it, because it could not meet the demand for money, all the more because we withdrew gold from circulation if it was possible.
We should introduce a currency based on working value. It can be, for example, paper or wooden ..... "

- Issuance of money -

"At present, issuing currency does not meet the demand, nor can it meet all needs. Issuing money should be applied to population growth ...... Controlling our issuance is essential for the whole world."

- On inflation - Fragments of secret teaching - vol.6 - On speculation and stock exchanges Author | ~ Fight The NWO [202.81.162. *] 2009-06-26 22:31

"We will raise wages, but this will not bring any benefit to the workers, because at the same time we will cause a price increase in basic necessities caused by the alleged collapse of agriculture and livestock. Moreover, we will skillfully and deeply undermine the sources of production, while at the same time accustoming the workers to anarchy and abuse. alcohol drinks, and at the same time we will order all means to remove all intelligent goyim from the earth. "

Motto: "The few who understand this system will be so interested in their profits or so heavily dependent on it that an opposition will never arise from their ranks. In turn, a huge mass of people, mentally incapable of understanding it, will bear its burden without any resistance," without even guessing that this system is aimed against them. "
Mayer Amschel Rotschild

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Protocols of the Elders of Zion - 1897 - Fragments
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"In order that the minds of the Gentiles do not have time to think and perceive, they must be directed towards industry and commerce. Then all nations will seek profits and in the fight they will not notice their common enemy. As a result of what the industry seizes the land, it will not remain with the owners, but will go to speculation, that is, to our coffers "......

"Trade must be fostered intensively, especially speculation, the role of which is to counterbalance industry; without speculation, industry will multiply private capital, raise agriculture, freeing land from debt caused by bank loans. Industry must be sucked from the ground. and labor and capital, and that by speculation he would give into our hands all the money of the whole world, and thus remove all the goyim to the ranks of the poor and the proletariat!
Then the goyim will humble themselves before us, only to obtain for themselves the right to exist "
The above inventory shows that in the form of the poll tax, the state takes away the poor from the poor in order to satisfy the rich foreigners from whom it has borrowed money, instead of begging those pennies for its needs without paying interest.
As long as the loans were only internal, the gentiles transferred money from the pockets of the poor to the capitalists' coffers. As soon as we overpaid the person appropriate to transfer the loans to the outside world, the resources of all countries flowed to our coffers and all goyim began to pay us tribute.
The recklessness of the ruling gentiles in relation to the affairs of the state, the futility of the ministers or the ignorance of the financial affairs of other people at the helm, caused states to debts in our coffers with unpaid liabilities. "

- On the future abolition of stock exchanges -

Having already ascended the Universal Throne , of course, we will absolutely eliminate all similar financial evasions, as then no longer meeting our interests. Money exchanges will also be abolished, because we will not allow the seriousness of our power to waver due to fluctuations in the prices of our shares. Their price will be determined by law in relation to the significant value. without the possibility of an increase or a discount. An increase is sometimes the reason for a discount, and this is where we started our operations with goyim values ​​"

Fragments of secret teaching - vol.5 - On debt, credit and deficit
Author | ~ Fight The NWO [202.81.162. *] 2009-06-26 22:18
Motto: "Nations conquer with sword or debt"
Latin proverb

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Protocols of the Elders of Zion - 1897 - Fragments
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"Every loan proves the state's powerlessness and the misunderstanding of state affairs. Loans, like the sword of Democles, hang over the heads of the rulers, who instead of drawing from the pockets of their subjects with the help of temporary taxpayers, go to ask our bankers for alms. External loans are leeches that cannot be deductions from the state body until they themselves fall away or the state throws them off.
Your goyim not only do not shed them, but even keep hitting them, they must also perish through voluntary blood loss. Is a loan, and especially an external loan, actually something else? A loan is an issue by the state of bills of exchange representing a percentage liability corresponding to the sum of the loan capital. If the loan is at 5%, then in twenty years the state will pay out a percentage equal to the sum of the loan, in 40 years double, in 60 years triple, and the debt will remain debt.

"When we play these comedies, the fact of the liabilities created, and also very heavy, arises. In order to cover the interest, new loans must be taken, not to redeem but to increase the principal debt. These taxes are liabilities that are used to cover liabilities ...
Then there is a conversion time which reduces the sum of the percentages but not the debt itself and cannot be made without the consent of the creditors: when announcing the conversion, a refund is offered to those who do not want to. convert their assets. If all owners would not agree to it, then the states would have their own fishing rod, because it would turn out to be insolvent debtors.
Motto: "A lie repeated a thousand times - becomes the truth."
Josef Goebbels

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Protocols of the Elders of Zion - 1897 - Fragments
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"The modern countries have a giant in their hands a force that produces the movement of thoughts in nations, - the press ........ States did not know how to use this force and here it was in our hands. Through it we gained influence, while remaining aloof and in the shadow, thanks to it we gathered our gold, regardless of the fact that we were forced to fish it out of the stream of blood and tears ... "

"The main factor of success in politics is the secrecy of its intentions: words should not be in line with the actions of a diplomat. We should force the rule of gentiles to do things that will be useful for our extensive plan, already near the longed-for end, with the help of an allegedly public opinion formed in secret by us through of the so-called `` great power '' or the press, remaining, with small exceptions, which are not worth counting
Fragments of secret teaching - vol.4 - O-

Fragments of secret teaching - vol.4 - About the media
Author | ~ Fight The NWO [202.81.162. *] 2009-06-26 22:03
Motto: "A lie repeated a thousand times - becomes the truth."
Josef Goebbels

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Protocols of the Elders of Zion - 1897 - Fragments
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"The modern states have a giant in their hands the force that produces the movement of thoughts in nations, - the press ........ States did not know how to use this force and here it was in our hands. our gold, regardless of the fact that we were forced to fish it out of the stream of blood and tears ... "

"The main factor of success in politics is the secrecy of its intentions: words should not be in accordance with the actions of a diplomat. We should force the rule of gentiles to do things that will be useful for our extensive plan, which is already close to the longed-for end, with the help of supposedly public opinion formed by us in secret by us. the so-called great power; that is, the press, remaining, with few exceptions, which are not worth counting - entirely in our hands. "
completely in our hands. "

Fragments of the secret teaching - vol.3 - About the Law
Author | ~ Fight The NWO [202.81.162. *] 2009-06-26 21:54
Motto:" The law is important as long as it serves our target. "
Adolf Hitler

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Protocols of the Elders of Zion - 1897 - Fragments
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- About the Constitution -

"W. of the constitution, we have made laws which for us are fictitious and not real laws. "

- About law -

" Our law is based on strength. The word 'law' contains an abstract and unspoken thought. This word means nothing else than : give me what he wants, so that I will have proof that I am stronger than you. Where does the law begin? Where does it end?

In a country with badly organized power, with no expression, ruled by a ruler devoid of individuality as a result of: the excess of rights caused by liberalism, he finds the source of a new law, namely: throwing himself on the basis of the stronger law, breaking the entire existing system, violating rights, reconstruction of the social edifice, to finally scat oneself as the ruler of all those who gave their power to use their rights, having voluntarily relinquished according to liberal principles. "

On complications, selectivity and interpretations of the law -

"We must provide ourselves with all the means that our opponents could use against us. We will have to find excuses in the subtleties and tricks of the legal vocabulary in those cases when we consider it appropriate to make decisions that may seem too bold or unfair, for it is important to make a decision those in such expressions that would have the appearance of higher moral prescriptions. "

"Beyond the existing laws, by not changing their essence, but merely distorting them by contradicting commenting, we have created something wonderful for the results. They found expression initially in that the interpretation of the law masked them, then completely obscured them from the eyes of governments, and this is due to the inability to know such complicated legislation. "

- On human rights, workers' rights and civil liberties -

"All the so-called 'rights of the people' can exist only as an idea, impossible to put into practice. What value for working proletarians, bent under the burden of labor beyond strength, oppressed by fate - has the right to talk, received by the talkers, the right by journalists to write various nonsense, coordinates with bottom things, - if the proletariat has no other benefits from the constitution than the meager crumbs we threw from our table for voting according to the instructions of our creatures and ours agents?
For the poor, the republican laws are a bitter irony, because the need to work, almost not for a day's wages, does not actually allow them to use these rights, but for this it takes away the guarantee of a stable and secure earnings making it dependent on an agreement between entrepreneurs or work companions. "
Fragments of secret teaching - vol.2 - About puppet governments.
Author | ~ Fight The NWO [202.81.162. *] 2009-06-26 21:47
Motto:" Authority, government, power, State - each of these words means the same - a means of pressure and exploitation. "
J. Proudhon

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Protocols of the Elders of Zion - 1897 - Fragments
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"Gentile lords removed according to our advice from the works state to deal with parties, etiquette, entertainment - they serve as a screen for our governments ... "

" These administrators chosen by us from the crowd depending on their slave abilities, will not be people prepared to rule, therefore they will easily become in the game our pawns led by our scholars and genius advisers, specialists educated from childhood in the art of governing the affairs of the whole world. As we know, our specialists, those necessary for governing, drew from our political plans, from the experience of history, from the research of each moment. "

"The reports of our political favorites replacing their masters on affairs were compiled by our agents, and each time satisfying short-sighted minds with promises that savings and improvements were foreseen in the future.
Where from? From new taxes?" but they did not ask when they read our reports and projects. You know what their similar indifference led to, what financial turmoil, despite the ruthless and amazing diligence of their peoples.

"Meanwhile, our true government should surround itself with all the forces of civilization, among which it will have to act, and it will also surround itself with journalists, lawyers, practical administrators, diplomats and finally people, prepared by special upbringing in our special schools.
... our government, the entire barrier of economists. That is why economic science is the main subject of our lectures. We will be surrounded by a whole galaxy of bankers, industrialists and capitalists, and most of all millionaires, because in fact everything will be decided by numbers. "
Fragments of the secret teaching - vol.1 - Introduction
Author | ~ Fight The NWO [202.81.162. *] 2009-06-26 21:25
Motto: "There is Something more powerful than the king himself behind the throne." Sir William Pitt

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Protocols of the Elders of Zion - 1897 - Fragments
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"PER ME REGNAT - They rule by me kings. And the prophets told us that we were chosen by God himself to rule the world. God gave us genius so that we could accomplish this task. "

"The goyim are a herd of rams, and we are in front of them as wolves. You know what will happen to the sheep when wolves sneak into the sheepfold? They will close their eyes and for the reason that we promise them to return all the freedoms granted them after defeating the enemies of peace defeat all parties. Is it worth mentioning how long they will expect this

return? "

"Who or what is capable of overthrowing the invisible force? And our strength is just that. External Freemasonry serves only to hide it and its goals, and the plan of the action of this force, and even where it is, will never be known to people."

"For what other purpose have we devised and commanded the gentiles without giving them the opportunity to investigate its contents - except to accomplish what is a simple path imperfectly for our dispersed tribe. This served as the foundation for our organization - the secret order, which is unknown and whose purpose for existence is not even suspected by these goyim bastards, abused by us into the ranks of the army, masonic lodges existing for show, existing to blur the eyes of the gentiles. God has given our chosen people a scatter. In this apparent weakness she found expression of all the power which has now brought us to the threshold of universal authority. There is little left to build up on the foundation today.

O mnie Iskra.SH

Niektórzy nie zdają sobie sprawy co ja piszę. Na ten czas  czekali Pokolenia Polskie.I marzyli o ogromnej Polsce Nowej wielkiej Bogatej Polski. Na Fundamencie Prawdy i jej Poznania. Jako Polacy już nie powinni i nie będą żyli w państwie Kapłaństwa a w Państwie apostolskim. Naród ślepy potrzebuje pasterzy którzy ich prowadzą inaczej są dalej  w prawie opamiętania. A nie poznania. Tu już nikt nikogo nie może zwodzić nie ma na to miejsca. Świat apostolski posiada poznanie Prawdy.Jakim był apostoł Piotr. Świat Kapłański nam przedstawił Paweł.Jako dalszy ciąg starego Testamentu. Świat Apostolski To jest wyjście z procesów Prawa  DO Natury Boga Stwórcy  jaki otrzymali pierwsi rodzice. A to pouczał Piotr apostoł uczeń Mesjasza jako namaszczony przez samego Boga. Jako nam mówi i dziś jeśli was sumienie nie oskarża czyści jesteście. Jako ks.Tischner  nam mówi jako Bóg nas zapyta Josiek kim jesteś. Jako Mesjasz odchodzący z tego świata mówi nie zostawiam was samych Jako Duch Prawdy którego wam poślę doprowadzi was do całej Prawdy. Jako napisano nikt nikogo nie będzie was pouczał o mnie inaczej o naszym Bogu Ojcu.Wszyscy będą mnie znali Te czasy przychodzą. Gdzie się zmienią nasze drogi zmysłowe i zapragniemy natury swojej inaczej natury człowieka jaką mieliśmy u poczęcia stworzenia. I spełnią się słowa jakie zadanie dał Stwórca człowiekowi. I co go czeka i ile nas zginie. Nie uciekniemy od tego zobowiązania albo zginiemy jak określił nasz nam Ojciec Bóg Stwórca . Jakie słowa wypowiedział pierwszym rodzicom.W rozumowaniu mojej interpretacji. rekin

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