Fikandrel Fikandrel

Katastrofa na zachodnich forach

Fikandrel Fikandrel Polityka Obserwuj notkę 1

Postanowiłem sprawdzić jakie echo katastrofa lotnicza w Smoleńsku wywołała nie na ogólnoświatowych mediach, ale na małych lokalnych forach dyskusyjnych. Wątek o katastrofie pojawił się na dużej ilości platform dyskusyjnych. Przeważa w dużych ilościach wsparcie i współczucie dla Polski. Z każdego zakątka globu. Niektórzy wspominają film Katyń. Sporo osób wspomina masakrę w Katyniu. Zrozumiałe i przewidywalne ale przejde do innych postów.

Zaraz potem wszyscy mówią o nie wkładaniu jaj do jednego koszyka.

I was wondering the same thing; why put everyone on the same plane? Maybe they couldn't afford more than one plane? (USA)

I'd still like to know why they packed so many important people in on one plane.(USA)

My word, talk about putting all one's eggs in one basket.

Zwolennicy teorii spisku też mają używanie :

I am smelling fish. Two pro-American leaders of former Moscow controlled states being killed or overthrown in less than a week.(Waterloo)

Putin was up in the control tower id say. Oops i lent up against the light switch there.

My first thought was the Russians had something to do with it considering the nature of the visit and now Putin has been put in charge of the investigation. Tin foil hat stuff.

Still, if Putin is involved I will not blink an eye. I think the US should send him a message, perhaps the leather bound edition of the poetry of Dick Cheney.

The Russians really really did not want the US missile Defense shield there I speculate...

Ktoś powiedział o 4 próbach lądowania. Zachód to powtarza.

Crashed on the fourth approach attempt in heavy fog... that's pilot error to even be in that situation. Probably under a lot of pressure to land. (Houston, TX)

Looks like the pilot had already went around 3 times due to airport fog and crashed on the 4th try. Maybe a little over-exuberance on his part due to all the important-types on board?

Pozatym próbują coś powiedzieć, jeśli coś pamiętali....

Complete hull loss with casualties is always a tragedy. Wasn't he the guy who banned an annual gay parade as mayor of Warsaw?

You know.... The polish presidents identical twin brother was president just 3 years ago...... Hmmmmm...... think anybody would notice?

And Poland has real good reasons for anger and grief too. They were really lucky to have a real good president who was doing a terrific job keeping the economy moving. (who would have thought when I was growing up that we would have reason to envy the Poles because they had better/smarter political leadership than us) Now the really good guy is gone, and who will replace him is going to be a hard problem.(USA)


An American airport would probably have been closed under these conditions.  That's why airline schedules get messed up, andwhy there arestacks of planes doing 360s all over the country when the weather is bad in Chicago.(Pilot liniowca)

The cable news networks in America should be ashamed with their coverage of this event. I have been flipping between CNN, MSNBC and FOX for almost a half hour now, and not a single one has even mentioned this even in a passing reference. And it's not like they are reporting other valuable news, all three are airing prerecorded programming which could easily be preempted. I really don't give a damn about the pundits today, these so-called news networks are proving that they are more interested in entertainment than serving the public interest(Apr. 10, 2010 - 2:06 PM EST)





O mnie Fikandrel

Staram się patrzeć relatywnie i obiektywnie na otaczającą mnie rzeczywistość. Wnioski zamieszczam. Pisze mało Lewica ogląda prawicowych oszołomów a prawica lewicowych, wszyscy oglądają i czytają żeby upewnić się że druga strona to idioci, każdy wygrywa miłe i ciepłe poczucie intelektualnej wyższości

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