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News site 24 / - Live Site 24 / The Messiah Jesus Christ tells us today too and works.

Whoever does not lose his body and sheds his blood cannot enter the kingdom of God
. Yet the Messiah himself entered the flesh and blood of man.
Therefore, he had to lose flesh and blood on the cross.
Who hates this world cannot enter that world. (Otherwise she will hate him) otherwise she will love sin.
This is how the Messiah hated this world physically and spiritually.
Otherwise, there was a spiritual and bodily transformation.
For we are passers-by of this world.
Who toughens us in our spirit And the true Bread of life should give us the Spirit of the living God of Truth.
It is he who sanctifies us and enlightens us with the wisdom that comes from above.
This is how we become full of worth. In the strength of the spirit and wisdom in the space of God we will get to take his place.

Here is my blood and my flesh It becomes your food in the spiritual space.
As the human body is sanctified and filled with his Holy Spirit. As the blood nourishes the body, we become his true son, meaning God in his likeness.
Thus the Spirit of the living God put on the body of a human being and fill it with holy spirit all the nations he chose.
Thus man in all Nations becomes his son and his God.

So he will separate the lambs from the goats and do as he does.
And civilization will be millions of years long, it is difficult for us to calculate.
Until all generations pass through it.
As the prophet tells us about this world, if a man who sinned would die and would die 100 years old, it would be like a child.
In the second reading he writes as no one will teach anyone about me, that is, about God the Creator, everyone will know me.
Now we have this process that Lucifer asked.
He has plagued us for 20 centuries.
This is its culmination.
This is how we learn about the world's processes.
Otherwise we are destined to eat darkness.
Let us learn to talk to God.
Let's get to know his intentions.
In a word, you cannot teach everything, but give direction, not teach.
The Messiah gives us this direction.
It is the Spirit of truth that will lead us to all truth.
There is no room for lucifer there anymore.
Unless you get caught.
There is no place for lepers in the holy community.
Because there we would sow gangrene, the body of a saint.
Let us eat the Bread of God our Father in Heaven with the prayer of our Father.
Every day and where we are.
You can do it with your thoughts anywhere.
Peace to all of us.
In these times - He is with those who are with him.
And we are together at least separately.
There are enormous forces above us, we cannot even imagine.
It was he, Lucifer, who was granted an allowance for our and our negligence.
Never knocking we live is a time to change the reins of our lives.
The sign of Lucifer stands in the Vatican. As Betrayals of the Polish Bishopric and those who fell victim to persuasion.
As OHID, read what the Messiah says on this subject.
He is right around the corner, around us and in us.
He can react at any time. This tool was victorious on the cross.
As it is written of him in the Old Testament as in the New
So let us keep watch.
In the Only Prayer we have, Our Father speaks through it and the Messiah prays with us personally. Jesus Christ,
because he is the Spirit of God of our spirits and of our salvation.
As the smallest of them, he cannot equal the greatest on earth.
This is the wisdom above us.
This is something amazing.
No man on earth can do anything against our will if it is the Creator's Will, otherwise Lucifer will get hit by the paws.
If we fulfill the Creator's will. He is with us.
I was almost dead and they saved me.
God has never forsaken me.


O mnie Iskra.SH

Niektórzy nie zdają sobie sprawy co ja piszę. Na ten czas  czekali Pokolenia Polskie.I marzyli o ogromnej Polsce Nowej wielkiej Bogatej Polski. Na Fundamencie Prawdy i jej Poznania. Jako Polacy już nie powinni i nie będą żyli w państwie Kapłaństwa a w Państwie apostolskim. Naród ślepy potrzebuje pasterzy którzy ich prowadzą inaczej są dalej  w prawie opamiętania. A nie poznania. Tu już nikt nikogo nie może zwodzić nie ma na to miejsca. Świat apostolski posiada poznanie Prawdy.Jakim był apostoł Piotr. Świat Kapłański nam przedstawił Paweł.Jako dalszy ciąg starego Testamentu. Świat Apostolski To jest wyjście z procesów Prawa  DO Natury Boga Stwórcy  jaki otrzymali pierwsi rodzice. A to pouczał Piotr apostoł uczeń Mesjasza jako namaszczony przez samego Boga. Jako nam mówi i dziś jeśli was sumienie nie oskarża czyści jesteście. Jako ks.Tischner  nam mówi jako Bóg nas zapyta Josiek kim jesteś. Jako Mesjasz odchodzący z tego świata mówi nie zostawiam was samych Jako Duch Prawdy którego wam poślę doprowadzi was do całej Prawdy. Jako napisano nikt nikogo nie będzie was pouczał o mnie inaczej o naszym Bogu Ojcu.Wszyscy będą mnie znali Te czasy przychodzą. Gdzie się zmienią nasze drogi zmysłowe i zapragniemy natury swojej inaczej natury człowieka jaką mieliśmy u poczęcia stworzenia. I spełnią się słowa jakie zadanie dał Stwórca człowiekowi. I co go czeka i ile nas zginie. Nie uciekniemy od tego zobowiązania albo zginiemy jak określił nasz nam Ojciec Bóg Stwórca . Jakie słowa wypowiedział pierwszym rodzicom.W rozumowaniu mojej interpretacji. rekin

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