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News site 24 / - Live Site 24 TRUTH AND IDEOLOGY A

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News site 24 / - Live Site 24 TRUTH AND IDEOLOGY A

real person should live with the truth. And how to live it and know it.
The ideology should be known. So as not to get contaminated in it at all costs.

As well as shepherds in pastures where there are wolves or foxes stealing hens from the farmer's henhouse.
If you do not know the Truth within yourself, and usually do not recognize enemies such as wolves or foxes, we are exposed to Parasitism and plunder

. against our will and the wealth we have accumulated. Not much of it spilled over half the world.
Regulatory law of the Polish state serves to the complicated structure of misunderstanding that we would be stripped of goods and households of our time to make excuses that serve nothing
Laws that are produced and compensatory at night fulfill this role.
(Only thieves and parasitic and bandits work at night) The

state today has a huge capital of small and large business people and

(And how is it stolen by the pseudo state in a henhouse or in sheep pastures)?

He doesn't have to Take and use National Savings, he has it in his butt.
And what it does takes away this capital through the illusion of misunderstanding those who have this capital.
In a simple way.
It produces securities on the account of the Polish nation for this capital What the nation has earned through hard work.
So he is stealing from us and he will be robbing us.

(This is how the government is laughing as Morawiecki said loud words that you will work for a bowl of rice. Ripped off and corporations will get enough to make your accounts almost empty. I mean CHUDE)

Because the regulations of lawlessness will be so hostile to the law that no one can stand it .

This is what Morawiecki thought in the owl.
Yes, the census and the Crown is to help in this.
Where agriculture and processing got into it.
The Sanepid site is there.
And not the National Gendarme. He only needs truncheons and firearms>
Where ToSanepid Exposedus to an epidemic, weakening our organisms. Due to the lack of food control, whether in the field or in processing. leading to mutations in extreme cases to pathology and degradation of internal organs of the human body and great disease torments.
And the second Parasite is the Vatican About which Paweł Lenga explains this tragedy, the Bishop. turn on the internet. There are many of his statements on this subject.
And Pope Leo XIII warned them. It is terrible.

Lucifer's days are Numbered /
But those who do not follow the path of the truth.
They will go down this gutter of Lucifer's rot.
Let us remember that those who follow the path of PRAVDA have the seal and the sword of God which is the Whip, or the Apocalypse, that we have.
Today I do not call upon those who turn their backs, because not all are chosen.
But those who are chosen get a sense of conscience of their Truth-seeking.
It is this proclamation for them.
It is my Civic duty. Comply with each and every one of us. Don't be too late to convince yourself of this.
I have suffered too much from those who have tried to do this.
If they get stripped and killed on their own.
It is their case for suicides, there is no cure.

Truth is the enemy of provocation
Ideology is a seeker because it does not know the truth.
The truth is revealed, it does not create the truth.
It has the signs of life.
Its fruits are amazing and endless in space.
That is why it is the only one.
Who has endured time otherwise is what it is.
Therefore, lucifer fell and did not last.
And it is in the hand of our Creator.
You will not recognize her anyway if you are not looking for her.
This cannot be conveyed in words.
It takes two to dance.
Whoever seeks will find those who knock and open it.
Who asks gets.
And you know her way.
You wouldn't be calling me a provocateur otherwise.
This is how you testify to who you are.
You won't offend me.
I know who I am.
If you think you insult me, you are only betraying who you are.
It's like finding gold and telling it to be lead, etc.
What and who is what you do not change, otherwise you degrade yourself. SH.

O mnie Iskra.SH

Niektórzy nie zdają sobie sprawy co ja piszę. Na ten czas  czekali Pokolenia Polskie.I marzyli o ogromnej Polsce Nowej wielkiej Bogatej Polski. Na Fundamencie Prawdy i jej Poznania. Jako Polacy już nie powinni i nie będą żyli w państwie Kapłaństwa a w Państwie apostolskim. Naród ślepy potrzebuje pasterzy którzy ich prowadzą inaczej są dalej  w prawie opamiętania. A nie poznania. Tu już nikt nikogo nie może zwodzić nie ma na to miejsca. Świat apostolski posiada poznanie Prawdy.Jakim był apostoł Piotr. Świat Kapłański nam przedstawił Paweł.Jako dalszy ciąg starego Testamentu. Świat Apostolski To jest wyjście z procesów Prawa  DO Natury Boga Stwórcy  jaki otrzymali pierwsi rodzice. A to pouczał Piotr apostoł uczeń Mesjasza jako namaszczony przez samego Boga. Jako nam mówi i dziś jeśli was sumienie nie oskarża czyści jesteście. Jako ks.Tischner  nam mówi jako Bóg nas zapyta Josiek kim jesteś. Jako Mesjasz odchodzący z tego świata mówi nie zostawiam was samych Jako Duch Prawdy którego wam poślę doprowadzi was do całej Prawdy. Jako napisano nikt nikogo nie będzie was pouczał o mnie inaczej o naszym Bogu Ojcu.Wszyscy będą mnie znali Te czasy przychodzą. Gdzie się zmienią nasze drogi zmysłowe i zapragniemy natury swojej inaczej natury człowieka jaką mieliśmy u poczęcia stworzenia. I spełnią się słowa jakie zadanie dał Stwórca człowiekowi. I co go czeka i ile nas zginie. Nie uciekniemy od tego zobowiązania albo zginiemy jak określił nasz nam Ojciec Bóg Stwórca . Jakie słowa wypowiedział pierwszym rodzicom.W rozumowaniu mojej interpretacji. rekin

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