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- This is happening today / Wilk - fox - scavenger has no end. Parasite. cannot live among us. he made the appearances of the Benefactors of 20 centuries to attack mankind today with his fruit work. In the mass of occultism Hypnosis./ The Messiah taught us differently Where his ears stick out of the Vatican of the treason of the Second Vatican Council.
Bishop Lenga tells us.

God the Creator gave us a shield and wisdom in it. You make your wrath belongs to me.
Here is how below his black soul of our doom and fangs.

Protocols of the Elders of Zion - 1897 - Fragments
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- On capturing public opinion -

"In order to overwhelm public opinion, it must be confused by preaching so many contradictory views from all sides, and until the gentiles wander through this maze and understand that it is best not to have any beliefs about political matters that society does not. it can be conscious, because only those who run society are aware of them! This is the first secret.

The second, which is necessary for successful governance, is to multiply national defects, habits, passions, conditions of coexistence, so that no one can understand this chaos and that people stop understanding each other. This measure will serve to sow dissension even among all parties to the dismemberment of the armed forces who do not want to humble yet before us, having no courage to all personal initiative, able to harm even a little on our own. "

- The international quarrels -

"For the time being, a worldwide coalition of goyim could deal with us, but we are protected against a similar phenomenon by those seeds of interstate strife that cannot break out of the ground. the hearts of goyim over 20 centuries. Thanks to all this, no country stretching out a hand will receive a kindly hug, because every man must think that it is unfavorable for him to come to an agreement against us. States cannot create alliances without our secret participation. "

"In the whole of Europe, and in its relations and on other tracks, we should also cause ferment, feud and discord. There is a double profit from this: firstly, we respect all countries. We know that it is our will to cause disturbances or to introduce order. All these countries have already got used to seeing us as necessary oppression. Second: - by means of intrigue, we will weave the threads connecting us to the governments of all countries through politics, economic treaties or monetary obligations. .... "

- On terror -

" We are the source of all-encompassing terror We have all views, all principles at the service of people: monarchy restorers, demagogues, socialists, communists and all utopians.

We put them all to work. Each of them, on his own hand, rolls the remnants of power like a worm, trying to overthrow the entire established system. All countries are exhausted by these actions: they call to peace, ready to sacrifice everything for it: but we will not give them peace until they openly and humbly recognize our International Government.
Peoples cry that it is necessary to settle the social question by means of an international agreement. Fragmentation into parties put them all at our disposal, because if you want to fight a competitive struggle, you must have money that is completely in our possession. "
Fragments of the secret teaching - vol.8 - About the false economy.
Author | ~ Fight The NWO [202.81.162. *] 2009-06-26 23:06
Motto: The real history of civilization is forbidden. Powerful conspiracies only allow the publication of a distorted version. People who think they are free from programmed views because they consider themselves free-thinkers, anarchists, are in fact steered by a powerful dictatorship that conditions their activities and behavior.
Robert Charroux

O mnie Iskra.SH

Niektórzy nie zdają sobie sprawy co ja piszę. Na ten czas  czekali Pokolenia Polskie.I marzyli o ogromnej Polsce Nowej wielkiej Bogatej Polski. Na Fundamencie Prawdy i jej Poznania. Jako Polacy już nie powinni i nie będą żyli w państwie Kapłaństwa a w Państwie apostolskim. Naród ślepy potrzebuje pasterzy którzy ich prowadzą inaczej są dalej  w prawie opamiętania. A nie poznania. Tu już nikt nikogo nie może zwodzić nie ma na to miejsca. Świat apostolski posiada poznanie Prawdy.Jakim był apostoł Piotr. Świat Kapłański nam przedstawił Paweł.Jako dalszy ciąg starego Testamentu. Świat Apostolski To jest wyjście z procesów Prawa  DO Natury Boga Stwórcy  jaki otrzymali pierwsi rodzice. A to pouczał Piotr apostoł uczeń Mesjasza jako namaszczony przez samego Boga. Jako nam mówi i dziś jeśli was sumienie nie oskarża czyści jesteście. Jako ks.Tischner  nam mówi jako Bóg nas zapyta Josiek kim jesteś. Jako Mesjasz odchodzący z tego świata mówi nie zostawiam was samych Jako Duch Prawdy którego wam poślę doprowadzi was do całej Prawdy. Jako napisano nikt nikogo nie będzie was pouczał o mnie inaczej o naszym Bogu Ojcu.Wszyscy będą mnie znali Te czasy przychodzą. Gdzie się zmienią nasze drogi zmysłowe i zapragniemy natury swojej inaczej natury człowieka jaką mieliśmy u poczęcia stworzenia. I spełnią się słowa jakie zadanie dał Stwórca człowiekowi. I co go czeka i ile nas zginie. Nie uciekniemy od tego zobowiązania albo zginiemy jak określił nasz nam Ojciec Bóg Stwórca . Jakie słowa wypowiedział pierwszym rodzicom.W rozumowaniu mojej interpretacji. rekin

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