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news times site 24 / - Live times Site 24 Learning the Truth cannot be hidden under the ca

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news times site 24 / - Live times Site 24 Learning the Truth cannot be hidden under the carpet.
Today she is like an oil that will always come out.


As the Messiah told us by the fruits we are to know it.
As everything that is against the Creator's Nature, it takes revenge.
So many centuries, so many sufferings of wars in them which did not teach us to live in harmony of victories pushing towards the true civilization of humanizing human nature. And this unpleasant pleasure was given to us by the sect of Freemasonry, which has been twisted through the ages like a chameleon.
The fruit of her wars were murders and rapes who were trying to enslave us with the forces of darkness.
Here are the fruits that supposedly repair the world with a new climate and as the guardians of the LAW ?????
As a bodily mental dilution unlike a man and as a MONSTER.
They treat us with substances that have not been tested. But even with these substances, the soil of the world poisoned the soil of the river through the lakes of the sea to the oceans. Which mutagenic substances deformed our bodies.
And their occult, spiritist and hypnotic religions changed the word in the demagogy of the imaginary word.
Non-existent truth.
And the Nations suffer from their fruits of slavery.
All these diseases are their talents and the Cults are fooling viruses into something jamming into self-annihilation.
As a cult of man and man's life.
As officially they say that murder in the word depopulation is life.
This time and deception is described to us by the Messiah Jesus Christ.
And this gang of consummate murderers practicing their combat experiences of murder on the proving grounds. Calling us herd game right now. That's how they managed to do it.
Well, don't lie, they made it.
But there is still justice for you.
It is announced by the Messiah Jesus Christ.


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