RjOcean RjOcean

My view on possible consequences of not re-electin D.J.Trump

RjOcean RjOcean Polityka Obserwuj notkę 0

                          Kraków 03.11.2020

Trump as a president, short


USA as a leader of free world, geopolitics and geostrategy.

USA and China, what is really going on.

Light vs Darkness, Trump vs Biden, what is the real difference.

War against Trump: Covid, BLM, Antifa.

My advice for president Donald Trump.

Trump as a president.

 Donald J. Trump, definitely has a very unusual and strong personality, mostly people love him or hate him! You cannot go along without his impact on You. Is he a good president of the USA? I believe, definitely much better than Hilary Clinton would ever be. He made change to America, bringing some changes in people's thinking, in US geostrategy, economy, he brought some unity to conservative forces in the USA. For me, opinions about him need to be divided, on pre-coronavirus and coronavirus, or maybe even actually on three, the third one would be post-coronavirus as we can imagine it now, having datas and statistics about coronavirus.

Basically, before the coronavirus happened, people in the USA were mostly happy from his leadership. Trump from the beginning had a hard press against him, a lot of media who never accepted the defeat of Hilary Clinton. Years of bad press, fake news, stereotypes, and any form of difficulties made from the left wing of democratic party and not only. Before Wuhan story, many was thinking his re-election will be easy, there was surveys like this one in late 2019 https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2019/12/16/trump-impeachment-2020-election-leads-democratic-rivals/2663659001/

“The national survey, taken as the House of Representatives planned an impeachment vote and the Senate a trial, showed Trump defeating former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points.” .

 Then in december 2019, coronavirus story started. Besides bad press, coronavirus hit the economy and society. In the beginning, the situation beside China seemed to be not bad, but later on, from Italy to USA, diseases spread, causing global fear, finally multinational lockdown, and many problems around the world.

 So how was the USA situation, before covid hit it? It was quite good and improving, special regarding unemployment rate and wages. Here under this link you can read fair opinion how it was.


 Now COVID changes everything, world wide, and no one can blame president Trump for that. Definitely, we can ask the question which ancient thinkers always did, regarding the causes of COVID pandemia, cui bono? WHICH MEANS WHO BENEFITED MOST(IF ANYONE) ON COVID. And this question I will try to answer later on at point 5. War on Trump.

USA as a leader of free world, geopolitics and geostrategy.

 USA has been frequently called a leader of free world, the super power, that guards the peace on earth. By history, this status came, after 2 world wars, and defeating of USSR in 1989. We can say, that thanks to the USA, three deadly regimes has been defeated. First was the pact of German - Austria - Hungarian( + Ossman Turkey and so on) emperors, who have already had plans to conquer and enslave people in the east. Without the help of the US Army, the victory in I world war, was uncertain. Then deadly Hitler and nazi Germany with co-operation with Mussolini’s Italy, and Imperialistic Japan, again without US Army and US nation efourt, the world as we know it, would not exist… Then just after world war II, 50 years conflict with USSR, which enslaved and conquered, countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Baltic states, Romania, Bulgaria and many more, the Iron Curtain and so on. Those three victories, made USA a superpower, the strongest democratic nation, with values such as freedom of speech, freedom of beliefs and many more. After world war II, USA as a victor, could easily crash and enslave nations of Germany, Japan, Italy, Austria...after what they did, they’ve particularly deserve it, but America did something different, they gave them, second chance and a Marshall plan to develop on a win-win basis. We can all see where Germans or japanese are now, how those countries developed. Also we can compare where South Korea is now and where it could be, if we compare it to Korea North. Of Course not everything is perfect, wars which some described as unnecessary like Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, are also reasons to be sad.(I need to add that president Trump was against this intervention) I perceive the US as a nation of superheroes, which is not a reason for toxic pride, but as a reason to smile but also to great responsibility!! Even if You look in the pop culture, do You ever heard about german or french superhero? Not, but we heard about Superman, Spiderman, Batman or Wonder Women . It is nice to be a superhero, it is nice to be famous as a superhero, but IT IS ALSO A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY and sometimes a temptation. Let’s then look clouser, what is the reason of America success? Well, beside great and first on earth written constitution, USA have a great geographical localisation, basically without on ground enemies. In geopolitical theory, they call possibilities like that as dominant maritime power. What is exactly the meaning of dominant maritime power and geopolitis itself??

 Geopolitics is a relatively new science, it was first used under the end of the 19th century. Geopolitics is simply a combination of geography and politics. From geopolitics it's beginning is taken by geostrategy, which means the science of strategic development planning based on geography. Geopolitics and geostrategy is widely use in the world especially by countries with vision and ambition, it has been used from ancient times as a knowledge about geography, rivers, mountain passes, resources and how to use them, protect them, how to co-operate or how to conquer. Just till XX century it was not called a part of science..

One of the most famous precursors of Geopolitics and Geostrategy was Halford John Mackinder. In the first half of the twentieth century, he created a popular and used universally, the theory or described the functioning of the geopolitical model, Eurasia, as the most important politically and economically place on earth. In 1919 he wrote a second important work "Democratic Ideals and Reality". It's in it he wrote his most famous words: "who reigns in Eastern Europe-reigns over the heart of Eurasia. Who rules over the heart of Eurasia - that one rules over the world island - who rules over the world island he rules the world. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halford_Mackinder This model, described and developed later by other geopoliticians, such as Nikolas Spykman. Describing this "model" very briefly, Eurasia is divided into two main parts, Heartland and Rimland, and the so-called Crash Zone. Heartland shortly are the countries in Asia: Russia, East China, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran.Rimland is

the peninsula belt that surrounds Eurasia

 (Germany, France etc.). In this concept, countries such as Russia have huge terrain, but less industrialized, but militarily strong, they are trying to improve they situation by gaining access to the world ocean and profiting from trade, as a result, they press mainly to the west, which means to European Rimland, especially to the countries west of Poland. West rimland , pushing east because it lacks space, farmland, raw materials, and manpower for further development (This idea was first deeply realized, by Napoleon, then by the German Empire and the Third German Reich.)

 Beside there is also the dominant maritime power, which through its strength and mighty fleet, controls world maritime trade, deriving enormous profits from this (it used to be the United Kingdom, it is now the United States.). At the moment when heartland from east, gaining too much advantage over the rimland of the west, to the games must step in a maritime superpower. When we look at both world wars, the concept seems like very real. This is how we come to the part of Eurasia, the so-calledCrash Zone, and this is where Poland lies. After the collapse of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth( end of XVIII century), it was here that the main world conflicts took place, Napoleon's campaign, World War I and II. As history shows, even alliances between the German rimland and the Russian heartland did not last forever (World War I.world), sometimes even very briefly (the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact last for 3 years only).

 Only when it existed between Heartland and European Rimland, in a crush zone a strong state entity, in the past it was the first Polish Republic, it reigned in Europerelative peace, this is noticed by many geopoliticians, including American ones, eg GeorgeFriedman. There is currently a conflict betweenThe United States and China, probably everyone has heard of the "trade war" betweenChina and the USA. A trade war doesn't sound that threatening ... but the Chinese, according to Sun's Tzu theory and what former Trump adviser Steve Bannon is talking about known three levels of war:

- Information war

- Trade war(economical war)

- Kinetic war (when using the troops and army).

 But the situation between the US and China I will explain briefly but precisely in the next chapter.

 At the moment we can just realise, that USA it really is a greatest economy and the greatest superpower of free world (which means democratic ones, with freedom values).

 We can then ask, what would happen if the USA would fall as a leader? Definitely we can say: CHAOS, and multinational conflict, without NATO architecture, new geopolitical stability would need to rise. And do there is any other country which can take leading role of USA in the “free world”, in my opinion, there is not! There is only German Establishment pride which is thinking it can…there pride, already bringed to the world two world wars….

USA and China, what is really going on.

 China it is an ancient empire with imperialistic tradition, imperialistic society and imperialistic vision. Chinese have the oldest written tradition of geopolitics and geostrategy, with the great Sun Tzu and his “Art of War”. Sun Tzu, wrote his guide to chinese emperors in VI century b.c., and this guide can be use even now!!


The Chinese do not like to use the military, Sun Tzu in "The Art of War '', which today is considered the oldest textbook in the world waging war, wrote that the highest skill is breaking resistance enemy without a fight. To achieve this, it is necessary to "sow feuds and disagreements between citizens of a hostile country, to confuse and discredit them with all their might all that is good. ”. Few other Sun Tzu advices how to conquer country without war:

Discredit all that is good in the enemy's country.

Involve representatives of the enemy's ruling classes in criminal enterprises.

Hit their good name. And when the moment is right, throw them to the contempt of your countrymen.

Enjoy the cooperation of the most vile and disgusting creatures.

Disorganized the opposing government by all means.

Sow feud and discord among the citizens of a hostile country.

Rebel the young against the old.

Make fun of your opponents' traditions.

Use all your strength to create confusion in the hinterland, in supplies and among the enemy troops.

Weaken the will to fight the enemy soldiers with sensual songs and music.

Send them prostitutes to finish their destruction.

Make sure you don't spare promises and gifts to get news. Do not regret your money, because the money spent in this way will pay for itself a hundredfold.

Install your spies everywhere.


Before I will write something more, I need to add, that I LOVE CHINA, I LOVE CHINESE CULTURE, CHINESE PEOPLE AND ESPECIALLY CHINESE MEDICINE WHICH I BELIEVE IS BEST NATURAL HEALING SYSTEM OF THE WORLD. But I disagree with some chinese establishment and government policies, plans and ideas.

The economic war is already underway and will it turn into something more terrible ... such tension, there has not been since the times before World War II. Chinese won’t use the military as long they will not be sure of victory, they plans are vast and ambitious, they are planning for decades in to the future, and yes I believe they want to control the world.

“ If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.” Sun Tzu

 I was few times in China during last 10 years, and what I can say, that most of people know, it is fast developing huge country with a billion 300 millions citizens, with the second biggest economy, it is beautiful with ancient culture, language and cuisine. But it is not democracy, it is not even the facade of democracy. It is a socialistic regime with no freedom of speech, no freedom of believes, with comunist party of 90 millions members(270 including their families) and police - military ruling over everything. Buddhist and Christians communities are still persecuted https://www.businessinsider.com/how-xi-jinping-is-attacking-religion-in-china-2018-11?IR=T

With oppression and forced citizenship of few nations like Tibetans, Ujgurs, Mongolians and so on.



 There are many other issues in China, regarding human rights like political prisoners and camps, https://freedomhouse.org/article/china-global-leader-political-prisoners


trading of the organs of detained : https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/china-forcefully-harvests-organs-detainees-tribunal-concludes-n1018646 .

Forced prison labor system:


 So if we look clouser on China, we can see a giant ruled in a tough way, without democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of beliefs and with massive human rights violation issues. If You are chinese living in China You are living in a police country with cameras everywhere, mass invigilation etc. As long You won't criticise government, You can live safely but once You will try to speak up truth even in one case, government will worn you, try to terrorise you and your family, once you will not stop to fight them, they might put you in jail or even try to make you disappear.

 Is this right in the point of view of the US Constitution or westernworld standards? Obviously not...so you may now think how it happened China became so wealthy, powerful and why everybody are trading with them, why everything in shops is “made in China”??

 Around 1978 chinese comunist party leader Deng Xiaoping decided, to open China to the global markets and production, allowing joint-venture companies to trade and manufacturing in China, at that time many US and european companies started to move production to China because of the laborer costs and growing number of skilled workers. That’s how “Made in China '' story started, and growing by the years made China the second large economy on earth.


 The process of relocating factories to China stopped in late 2016

only, after Trump’s administration get in to power. All of the previous administration did nothing about regime human rights violence, allowing things to be happened in the way it was, Chinese export has been financing China development by years but also has been financing chinese regime military expenses and it’s growing military and economically influence over global community, which became a threat to US, NATO and all the free world. I need to mention, that neither Barack Obama nor Joe Baiden as a vice president, did nothing about it during 8 years of their leadership. So promises of Joe Biden about his tough policies about China sounds more than silly fairy tales for kids. Warning of Biden’s presidency as completely defeat of US by China might be very truthful “Trump claimed Biden's economic policies would cause tax increases of trillions of dollars, ending economic growth and resulting in "total contraction."

He also targeted the Democratic Party, claiming its members' economic policies weakened the US labor force over the last decade.

"You spent 47 years sending American jobs to China, Mexico and other countries while collecting millions of dollars in campaigns and super PAC contributions from global corporations and got rich by making American workers poor," the president said. “


 Now how the chinese, are dealing with the neighbours? Well they have territorial issues almost with everyone: India, Vietnam, Japan,Mongolia, Philippines etc. Few years ago they offered huge development and financial projects to the world, mostly to the neighbors on their west, the project calles: New Silk Road, the multi billion dollars project to build roads and fast trains, from China to UE, UE is the biggest consumer of chinese export. In reality this project is a geopolitical weapon against the USA and it’s navy, to avoid they’re control. For many countries this project might be a threat. Chinese comunist party is showing only benefits to smaller countries but the story of Cambodia, Lao and Vietnam shows what is really going on. Chinese business supported by party came in to Cambodia with huge impact and numbers, step by step making smaller state dependent and in debt to China, properties has been sold to chinese, cambodian has been given low paid jobs, chinese forced cambodian government to give them control over military port in Ream.

“Meanwhile, the inflow of deep-pocketed Chinese spenders has exacerbated corruption among local officials and resulted in incidents where Chinese nationals misused cars with police and military license plates for personal reasons.

Corruption also leads to inadequate quality inspections of Chinese-owned construction projects, which then creates a hazardous working environment for local workers. This was exemplified in the building collapse that killed 28 people in June 2019.”


Same things are happening in other places from Sri Lanka, Lao or even to Greece, where chinese are trying to buy or lend in the long term: ports and other geostrategic properties.

 There is an interesting example of Vietnam, which has centuries of history of being under China influence, Vietnam, prefer to close ties with the USA even with thought history of war, then make any business with chinese they simply know how they are and all their win-win deals it’s just a mouse trap. “Vietnam is now regarded as America’s closest ally in Southeast Asia, while Washington regularly goes out of its way to champion Hanoi and improve its international standing.”


 Now if we look at Germans, frequently we can see the shift in Germans policies, from western( making more problems to the US Army in Germany for example) to eastern ( making Nord Stream II gas pipe useless for NATO, loosening ties with China and Russia ). In brief, if the US would fail to stop Chinese geopolitical and geostrategical plans, Germans can hope, they became a leader without needing NATO or US help.


 If search for truth, You will find growing German - China economical exchange, protest against US Army in Germany, and all is going on while German society growing its anti US and anti NATO views


So briefly:

We have ongoing conflict between comunist party of China and USA.

The conflict spreads world wide, there is information conflict and economical conflict.

Chinese have the advantage of planning long term. Xi Jingping is a chancellor for a lifetime, US president lasts only 4 years.Chinese population of billion 300million people is united by regime and it’s propaganda.

Chinese have 2500 years of tradition on how to win conflict without kinetic war.

There is a huge risk of many countries to become Chinese vassals like Cambodia.

There is a threat for democracy, freedom of speech and human rights worldwide, as Chinese influence are growing. Comunist party of China violate democracy,freedom of speech and human rights to chinese people, so easily we can predict they’ll do that for others.

Biden - Obama did nothing to change the status quo during 8 years in power. There is a huge chance Biden would make disaster if he wins.

If US leadership will fall, NATO could break, which can bring a lot of military conflicts, involving Russia and China.

4. Light vs Darkness, Trump vs Biden, what is the real difference.

 Trump is not an angel, but in comparison with Biden, he is more on the light side. Briefly I will prove it to You!!

 Do You ever heard about Archbishop Vigano? If not, he was the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States in the years 2011 - 2016. Apostolic Nuncio is a we can say right hand of the Pope to the state. Nuncio have access to top secret data and informations. Carlo Vigano became famous as uncompromised faither agains sex abuser in American Catholic Church, brave enough to speak up, even agains Pope Francis to bring guilties in to the justice.


 But what is really interesting it is a letter, this year Carlo Vigano, high official with the access to secret data, wrote a thankfulness letter to Donald Trump, that Trump answered on twitter

“ Mr. President,

In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.”


ACCORDING TO VIGANO TRUMP IS A LIGHT SIDE, Vigano is describing actions of evil organisation, which he is describing as a “deep state” and “children of darkness, he is mentioning about high ranks of those dark side people, as people who holds strategic positions in government, in politics, in economy and in the media. Vigano is blaming them for BLM riots and many more.

Then, there is another letter from late october, https://www.catholic.org/news/national/story.php?id=85039

In the second letter, ex nuncio is concentrating on COVID and blames the same evil people for using virus to control the public.

Well, we can all have doubts about all of this stories, but let’s look on facts, two high rank officials who definitely have access to top secret datas, ex Vatican high rank archbishop and present president of USA, exchanging communication about secret societies, Trump reposting first letter on his tweeter asking everyone to read it. Seams as something ad list serious right? Now let me ask you to watch this speech, speech of J.F.Kennedy speech, before he has been killed, here is combination of Trump speech, and JFK speech, it is even better to watch them both, 7 minutes only in total https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9hw_Xv5ui8

Even if You are not interested in secret societies and secret oats as JFK called it, let’s get down more to earth and i’ll show You some evil.

In many spiritual traditions on earth, there is a form of basic Law, we can call it decalogue, in Buddhism for instance, it is called 10 karmic advises, and the point 1 everywhere is same:


So we came to the topic of abortion, personaly i’m very pro life, i’m not conservatist, there are issues as rape, or haevy risk for mothers health, which can make an exeption, but in the western world, with all the anticonceptial ways of stoping pregnancy, 72 h later pills and so on, to call killing a not killing, and killing a human right, it is avioletion of everything good that I know and believe… in America, there is great sentence: “what comes around, goes around”, it is short description of law of karma… so really, killing as a human right? When i’ve recently readed that 33% of pregnancies in NY state( https://www.americamagazine.org/rha2019 ), finishing with abortion read properly killing of unborn child...i thoud: THIS IS MADNESS...Women have right to decide about her body, yes, right but do this 6 to 12 weeks fetus looks lik part of womens body for God sake https://demotywatory.pl/4962393/Modele-pokazujace-ewolucje-zarodka---plodu-w-wieku-od-6-do-12

So when I found out that Kamala Harris, was and is sponsored by abortion companies and organisations such as “Planned Parenthood”(cool name for multikkiling company, let’s kill some fetus to be happy again and again, sounds like this famous “Arbite mecht frei” bord at the gate of nazi-germans concentration camps in Aushwits, where more then million people has been “factory” killed. )

And yes, I ‘ve checked it, it’s true! Here You can find some more:

https://marchforlife.org/five-things-you-didnt-know-about-kamala-harris/ https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/kamala-harris-and-her-pro-abortion-donor-base-68589 https://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/2020/10/new-video-planned-parenthood-and-kamala-harris-colluded-to-weaponize-ca-video-recording-law-against-disfavored-speech/

And I thoud, do USA really wish to have a vice president sponsored by abortion companies? But I found out, something even more terrible, that both Biden - Harris team, both they are supporters of late abortion, even up to 9 month of pregnacy… That’s reality: “ All in all, then, the evidence justifies the conclusion that Biden and Harris believe abortion should be legal at any stage of pregnancy so long as an abortionist is willing to say it will promote the mother’s emotional health — and journalists who assert otherwise are creating confusion where none need exist.” https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/09/biden-harris-abortions-late-in-pregnancy/ And prooves those companies are involved in illegal trade of killed fetuses body parts… https://nypost.com/2015/07/15/planned-parenthoods-horrendous-organ-trade/

This is evil…

And what next? Eugenics as Hitler was planning? Or euthanasia of childrens...in Nederlands they are already trying… https://nationalpost.com/news/world/the-netherlands-is-set-to-approve-euthanasia-for-children-under-the-age-of-12


 So, who else is paying for Biden - Harris campaign ? The banking shark, Gorge Soros for example, a very shadowed person, by many believed as a one of the bosses, of what archbishop Vigano called: children of darkness https://londondaily.com/billionaire-george-soros-gives-whopping-50m-to-help-biden-and-other-dems-win-us-elections

I want write much about him, it’s better everybody made own opinions, I will just write, that most of his money came from doggie transactions and harmful speculations as this https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/08/george-soros-bank-of-england.asp making money on destroying poor countries economies also https://www.businessinsider.com/how-george-soros-broke-the-bank-of-thailand-2016-9?IR=T

“ But let’s be clear and let’s stay clear on this: Soros is indeed diddling in America’s political and legal systems. And his diddling is indeed having a “have at it” effect on those who would take to the streets, with bricks, to express their frustrations with President Donald Trump.

This is no conspiracy theory.”



5. War against Trump: Covid, BLM, Antifa.

Let just look on facts now, COVID in China today 31.10.20 - 33 new cases for billion 300 millions population(yes that much only) https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/china/

USA today 67.000 cases on 330 millions population… impossible? Here are the data https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/

California july/august 2020: “Public health officials have said the state reopened too soon. In an effort to contain the spread, Governor Newsom issued a statewide mask order on June 18, followed two weeks later by an order to close bars and indoor dining down again. Those settings have proved to be super-spreader sites in several other states”

Wuhan august 18 2020 https://youtu.be/ot4LwLDiRHE

It is very difficult to say clearly, covid is man made, covid has been created in Wuhan laboratory, but if You will look at the situation and simply ask, cui bono? Who gained most in covid, who lost most. Then You will see this:

There is a military grade laboratory in Wuhan, which worked with coronaviruses.

Suddenly exactly in this city, pandemia starts.

Chinese rulers got 2.500 years of history of geostrategy and planning how to win the war without military conflict. Greatest chinese plannists are involved in tactics and strategy

Chinese comunist party has no respect for its own citizens' human rights, hard to believe they would care for other nations.

Covid is not so deadly to be treated as a biological weapon, but it’s problematic enough to destroy economies, kill elder people, and bring fear and panic. Difficult to blame someone, difficult to find proves.

The biggest gainer after a few months from Wuhan lockdown is China with no pandemia statistic.

The biggest loser is the greatest enemy of chinese comunist party, Donald Trump and his pre covid success with boosting US economy.

 Now You think for Yourself…


Let me write a few lines, about another interesting thing, BLM movement after the death of George Floyed. Definitely, it was a tragic situation, definitely it should not have to take place, but Floyd's death is not Trump's fault, same as Michael Brown death in 2014 was not Obama’s fault. But many media blamed all the problems on president Trump, reality is and wise people no matter of skin colour need to accept it, that few hundred people a year are shot dead by police in the USA, mostly they are white males. Charts are showing that these numbers are getting down during the last 3 years of Trump’s presidency. https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/

 We have all seen riots everywhere, violence as reaction for one incident and a blame on Trump. Facts are telling as, that the biggest reason for afroamericans violent deaths in America, are other afroamericans not police… https://www.statista.com/statistics/251877/murder-victims-in-the-us-by-race-ethnicity-and-gender/ While in 2019 235(370 whites same time) afroamericans has been killed by police, 7.484 has been murdered mostly by other afroamericans(5787 white same time). Criminality between afro american communities is much higher than in others and that's not D. Trump's fault...But the reaction of BLM and riots who was destroying cities and properties all over the US, was blaming Trump and his administration.. Did You ever seen BLM rioting any of these 7000 afro americans killed in homicide violence? Have you ever seen they are peacefully protesting and bringing some ideas on how to decrease violence and gangs influences between afro americans community?

Now I will show You one interesting evidence, that all this riots has been planned and managed to make Trump chances to win in election lower, George Soros, one of the biggest democrats sponsors in the election run is also sponsoring BLM movements and other ones who were starting civil war in the US.




“The success of this movement, the largest in U.S. history, will be measured over years, not weeks, and we cannot say that Black lives matter and not make a multi-year commitment to a strategy set by and centering Black leaders and organizations who changed America’s sense of what is possible,” said Tom Perriello, executive director of Open Society-U.S.


https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/sep/19/george-soros-enabler-us-street-violence-antifa-/ `

Cui bono(Who have gained)? Democrats…

Who is financially supporting rioters? Democrats sponsors…


In the end I will need to add that during Trump's presidency, poverty and unemployment rate between afro americans till the covid hited US was the lowest ever!!


And he has created a 500B platinum plan for afro american communities in the US.


6. My advice for Donald Trump.

America first as a leader of the free world. Being example, win-win deals, leader of good innovations, supporting good change world wide.

Conservative and right wing should mean , full of justice, modern in the wise way , eco and bio. New technologies advisor as Elon Musk. Mr President, with all the respect and understanding, the fossil fuels era is getting to end, USA should be leader of the new era of hydrogen and electricity, leader of innovations.

Killing cannot be a human right , education and sponsorship for womens who decide to give a birth. We are giving billions for the army, we can find millions for that.


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