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Letter to The Institute of World Politics

kaczazupa kaczazupa Katastrofa smoleńska Obserwuj temat Obserwuj notkę 36

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Dear Sirs,

I am writing regarding dr Kazimierz Nowaczyk presentation published on your pages. I would like to draw your attention to the slide shown below( http://www.iwp.edu/docLib/20140411_IWPFourYears.pdf – page 22).


The part of this diagram concerning accelerations and roll is a compilation of diagrams from my work published in

(http://www.konferencja.home.pl/materialy/14.pdf - Rys.16 page 131 & Rys.23 Page 133 )

and my numerous internet publications(eg. http://kaczazupa.salon24.pl/504092,ukryte-pol-sekundy-3 ), and the second part of the above diagram concerning time localization of collision with birch (the yellow vertical line) is wrong because in both KBWL report and „ATM expertisis” collision with birch is localized about half of second erlier, as it is shown on the diagram below containing fragments fromRys. 17. Przebieg wybranych parametrów naścieżce podejścia do lądowania – kanałpoprzeczny – sterowanie lotkami”in KBWL report.


This (KBWL) localizaltion agrees with time of middle point of marker of nondirectorial beam signal, ground speeds in TAWS$#37 (before collision) and #38 (after collision) and the distance beetwen marker and the birch. Wrong localization of collision time are also given in diagrams of acceleration and roll which dr Nowaczyk used on pages 16,21 and 26 of his presentation.

In the first part it is a violation of my copyright, in the second it is a tendentious manipulation of the data registered in black boxes. I think that these remarks should be published with dr Nowaczyk presentation because his controversial works are criticised in Poland by many authorities in aviation siences.

In Poland the opinions on the causes of the catastrophe are divided. Poorly founded reasoning of dr Nowaczyk paradoxically gives support to MAK report which is more radical in blaming the human factor on the Polish side as the catastrophe cause than the Polish Report.

This letter will be also published on my blog, because dr Nowaczyk also publicizes the content of his presentation.

In a short time I will write similar remarks about slides on pages 24 as well as 28 and 30.

Sincerly yours

Michal Jaworski

Dyskusję pod notką proszę prowadzić głównie w języku polskim:).

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