Asymetria siły nośnej - jak oceni to Boeing ? Polityka Obserwuj notkę 0

Sprawa asymetrii siły nośnej została "wyjaśniona" przez Caracal-Berczyńskiego, obecnie w rezerwie Podkomisji.

Tymczasem to zagadnienie zostanie rozpatrzone przez Boeinga w związku z nowatorskim rozwiązaniem - składanymi końcówkami skrzydeł w samolocie pasażerskim - Boeing 777X. Około 3,5 m metrowe końcówki skrzydeł mają być mocowane na zawiasach i składane na postoju, dla ułatwienia obsługi lotniskowej. Oto artykuł, który o tym mówi.

The Boeing 777X and its unmatched foldable wings

We're talking about the foldable wing tips of the 777X, the world's biggest twin-engine airliner. The highly innovative solution by the American manufacturer, which resembles the one adopted in the past by military aircraft boarded on aircraft carriers, will this time have a dual function. It will reduce the space occupied by the jet at airports, but also will provide fuel economy.

The idea of ​​equipping the new 777 with this unmatched feature arose because of the unique wingspan of the aircraft. It will be 72 meters (235 feet, 5 inches), 11 meters (36 feet) more than the wingspan of the first 777 and almost 4 meters (13.1 feet) more than the 747-8. The hinged wing tips alone will measure 3.65 meters (12 feet).

The larger wingspan means higher lift force and more fuel saving, the "Holy Grail" of any new commercial aircraft. These huge wings will provide the jetliner an extra lift, like a giant glider. Like the 787, the 777X family will also make use of a wing design on which the wing tips are raked sharply to reduce drag force.................

But, the big question is about safety:

What would happen if one of these tips were released in flight or changed position because of a malfunction?

Another possibility considered "catastrophic" by the FAA is that gusts up to 75 miles per hour (120 km/h) can bend or damage them in flight, which would certainly cause a tragedy. Imagine a plane of this size with asymmetrical wings.Among the concerns of the agency is the clarity of information for the crew about the actual position of the wing tips as well as the emergency procedures in case of failure.

That is why the FAA, a sort of beacon for other civil aviation authorities in the world as well, is analyzing and requesting from Boeing some safety measures to approve the device.

Redaktorzy pisma najwidoczniej nie znają przepisów przedstawionych przez Caracal-Berczyńskiego ( o obligatoryjnym sprawdzaniu stabilności lotu przy bodajże 10% asymetrii wartości siły nośnej), albo mamy szansę na naukowe zbadanie, czy uzasadnienie ze strony Boeinga.

Adminów proszę o otagowanie katastrofa smoleńska, gdyż jest to temat związany z tym wydarzeniem.

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