Grim Sfirkow Grim Sfirkow

Konserwatyzm - konserwatywny liberalizm -liberalizm (debata)

Grim Sfirkow Grim Sfirkow Polityka Obserwuj notkę 51

Jaki jest stosunek liberalizmu i konserwatyzmu? Czy konserwatywny liberalizm to nowy byt pośród idei? Czy konserwatyzm może współgrać z liberalizmem w niektórych aspektach? Czy taka syntezą jest konserwatywny liberalizm? Czy może konserwatyzny liberalizm, to nowa odsłona konserwatyzmu?


 Ponieważ debate wywołał eMFN, jemu przypada pierwszy głos:

Russell Kirk, autor "The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot"

Niestety, tej ksiazki nie wydano po Polsku. Co wiecej, nie mam jej w domu. Wiec przekleje to, co mowi wiki o tym chyba najwybitniejszym myslicielu konserwatywnym XX wieku.

A konkretnie to, co mowi o Jego stosunku do liberalizmu. (tu nazywanego libertarianizmem poniewaz Kirk byl Amerykaniem i terminu liberalizm uzywal na nasza lewice, a libertarianizm na naszych liberalow).

"Kirk grounded his Burkean conservatism in tradition, political philosophy, belles lettres, and the strong religious faith of his later years; rather than libertarianism and free market economic reasoning. The Conservative Mind hardly mentions economics at all.

In a polemic essay, Kirk (quoting T. S. Eliot) called libertarians "chirping sectaries," adding that they and conservatives have nothing in common. He called the libertarian movement "an ideological clique forever splitting into sects still smaller and odder, but rarely conjugating." He said a line of division exists between believers in "some sort of transcendent moral order" and "utilitarians admitting no transcendent sanctions for conduct." He included libertarians in the latter category.

Kirk, therefore, questioned the "fusionism" between libertarians and traditional conservatives that marked much of post World War II conservatism in the United States.

Kirk's view of "classical liberals" is positive though; he agrees with them on "ordered liberty" as they make "common cause with regular conservatives against the menace of democratic despotism and economic collectivism."

I moze wkleje jeszcze to, by przyblizyc jak wspolczesnie rozumiany jest konserwatyzm:

Kirk developed six "canons" of conservatism, which Russello (2004) described as follows:

1. A belief in a transcendent order, which Kirk described variously as based in tradition, divine revelation, or natural law;

2. An affection for the "variety and mystery" of human existence;

3. A conviction that society requires orders and classes that emphasize "natural" distinctions;

4. A belief that property and freedom are closely linked;

5. A faith in custom, convention, and prescription, and

6. A recognition that innovation must be tied to existing traditions and customs, which entails a respect for the political value of prudence.

Kirk said that Christianity and Western Civilization are "unimaginable apart from one another." and that "all culture arises out of religion. When religious faith decays, culture must decline, though often seeming to flourish for a space after the religion which has nourished it has sunk into disbelief."

Popieram prawo własności, JOW, niskie podatki, przejrzyste prawo, karanie przestępców. Jestem przeciw uchwalaniu prawa, którego nikt nie będzie przestrzegał (poza frajerami). Nie mam nic przeciw skandynawskiemu modelowi państwa, o ile jego wprowadzanie rozpocznie się od przywrócenia monarchii.

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