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Kto jest odpowiedzialny za rosnący totalitaryzm? Kim jest rodzący się "dyktator"?

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COVID był zamachem stanu Technokracji

> Zrozumienie, z czym mamy do czynienia globalnie, i kto jest odpowiedzialny za rosnący totalitaryzm i jego ostateczny zamiar, stało się absolutnie kluczowe.

> Pandemia COVID była zamachem stanu dokonanym przez technokratyczną klikę, która stoi za globalnym programem przejęć, określanym jako Wielki Reset:

> Wielki reset został wprowadzony przez Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne, które jest ściśle powiązane z Organizacją Narodów Zjednoczonych i Światową Organizacją Zdrowia. Ich celem jest wdrożenie globalnego typu totalitaryzmu opartego na ideologiach technokratycznych i transhumanistycznych. Część tego planu obejmuje również przeprojektowanie i kontrolowanie wszystkich form życia, w tym ludzi.

> Podczas gdy zewnętrzna ekspresja technokracji będzie wyglądać jak totalitaryzm, centrum kontroli nie będzie jednostkowe. Zamiast pojedynczej osoby rządzącej dekretem, technokracja opiera się na kontroli za pomocą technologii i algorytmu. To bardzo ważna różnica. Krótko mówiąc, nie będzie żadnej osoby, którą można by winić lub pociągnąć do odpowiedzialności. „Dyktator” to algorytm.

> Technokracja to wymyślona i nienaturalna forma ekonomii, która wyraża się jako totalitaryzm i wymaga do działania inżynierii społecznej. Technokraci w przeszłości określali technokrację jako naukę inżynierii społecznej. Kontrolowanie populacji ma kluczowe znaczenie dla funkcjonowania systemu

Patrick Wood spędził dziesięciolecia studiując technokrację – wymyślony system ekonomiczny, który globalna kabała próbuje obecnie wdrożyć na całym świecie. Niedawno udzielił wywiadu The Defender, biuletynowi Children's Health Defense. Ten wywiad jest poniżej. 

Ta rozmowa nawiązuje również do wywiadu z profesorem Mattiasem Desmetem, autorem „Psychologii totalitaryzmu”, który zostanie wyemitowany za kilka tygodni. Chociaż technokracja i totalitaryzm mają wiele podobieństw, istnieją pewne różnice w perspektywie, które tutaj wyjaśnimy.

"To jest to” mówi Wood. „To jest temat dnia. Oto, co ludzie muszą wiedzieć i zrozumieć.

Jeśli mamy walczyć z tym wrogiem, którego wcześniej prawie nie widziano, musimy rozpoznać, z kim mamy do czynienia. Nie możemy zapewnić żadnej obrony ani ofensywy, aby to odepchnąć, chyba że wiemy, kim naprawdę jest wróg i co myśli, co jest w jego głowie”.

The Intersection of Technocracy and Totalitarianism
A Special Interview With Patrick Wood

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Welcome everyone, this is Dr. Mercola helping you take control of your health, and today we are

fortunate enough to be joined by Patrick Wood, who I just saw his interview with The Defender,

or the Children's Health Defense, and it was really, we're going to put a copy of that video in this

page that we're writing, so I would encourage you to watch that one first, because that gives you

a really good background of Patrick and his work.

Even though, I've interviewed him before, that content's not readily available, so we're going to

make it easy for you. This is really current. It was good. Then, I saw that video actually last night

as we're recording this, and I thought, gosh, it tied in so well with an interview I did earlier this

week with Mattias Desmet, which is not going to be aired for a few more weeks.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Patrick's interview is going to come up first, but this really is the issue of the day. There's not

many people talking about probably because not many people understand it and the potential

implications. Mattias has a really good handle on it. You're going to really enjoy the interview.

He wrote a book, “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” and Patrick has done decades of work on

technocracy. I'm sure most of you have heard of that before, but Patrick would probably give a

little history of that.

One of the motivating factors for me, we're going to get into some of the projections, which I

think, the most interesting component, but one of the most interesting perspectives is to

differentiate or reconcile the differences between totalitarianism and technocracy because they're

two different entities, but they're so similar. I think there's not many people better qualified than

Patrick to help enlighten us on that. Welcome with that long introduction, and thank you for

joining us today.

Patrick Wood:

That's great. I love to talk about this and I wish there was something else to talk about, but this is

it. This is the topic of the day. This is what people need to know and understand. If we are going

to fight back against this enemy, which previously has pretty much been unseen, we must

recognize who we're dealing with. Period. We cannot deal, we cannot provide any defense or

offense to push back on this unless we know who the enemy really is and what they're thinking,

what's in their head.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Yeah. You've been studying this for a long time. You actually, in that hour[-long] interview from

The Defender, you go into how you understood this very early on, like we did too, and we

recognized it immediately because we were alert. We had our critical thinking skills involved.

Patrick Wood:


Dr. Joseph Mercola:

You knew it, like that first month or two of January 2020, so you weren't surprised by this at all.

Patrick Wood:

No, I wasn't. That only because I had been following the climate change, global warming

alarmism for a long time. That's been part of the wheelhouse for technocracy embedded in the

United Nations, the sustainable development, but climate change, global warming has been used

as the fear-producing, fearmongering, fear porn, whatever, to drive people insane to make them

willing to accept sustainable development as the answer to all the world's problems.

And so, when I saw the same people that were promoting climate alarmism jump track over onto

the COVID train, I knew that something was up immediately. I didn't have to know anything

about COVID, nothing. I didn't have to know anything about viruses necessarily, but I saw the

people who were pushing it all of a sudden, and I realized that the crack computer models that

were being used to tell us that we're all going to die.

Patrick Wood:

I can remember what Al Gore said, the seas are going to rise and the polar ice caps are going to

melt. That never happened, but all these predictions come rolling out of these crazy computer

models that are pretty much rigged to say whatever you wanted to say. They used the same

techniques on the pandemic to get it kick started.

Then of course, as some of the details began to unfold from there, the rest of it became really,

really clear. Here we are today, two years later, and I claimed at the time, I said, “This is

technocracy's coup d'état that they're finally making their major global move to do what they said

they were going to do for a long time.” But now, they're actually putting shoe leather to it and

they're making it happen, so I called it coup d'état early on.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Yeah. Yeah. You definitely caught it early. In your interview with The Defender, you quoted

your associate and co-writer of many books, Anthony Sutton, who is a major influence for you,

certainly in early research in this, in technocracy. You quoted him as saying that only 2% of

people have critical thinking skills or can think, 8% of people think they can think, the rest of

them can't think at all or something like that.

Patrick Wood:

Yeah, 90% would rather die than think.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Oh, that was it, 90% would rather die. That was really good. I just couldn't recall it. But it's

interesting because Mattias comes up with something similar and I was kind of astonished

because I didn't think the number was so low, but his assertion is that only 10%, only 1 out of 10

people are not, or still have retained their critical thinking skills, they can think. Thirty percent

are completely hypnotized, completely hypnotized, so much so that they, or someone they love

dearly can get the jab die within hours or a few days and believe that was absolutely unrelated to

that jab.

Patrick Wood:


Dr. Joseph Mercola:

That's how deeply they're hypnotized. It's just shocking when you look at it because if they had

their critical thinking skills, it would be so obvious, but they don't, they lost it. Then the other

60%, somewhere in the middle, they can sway either way, but it's a small group of people that

we're speaking to, Patrick.

Patrick Wood:

Yes, it is. It's getting bigger, I have to say, because people that are in that middle group, the

fence-sitters, I call them. I think maybe he refers to them a little bit differently, but people kind

of have their one toe on this side and the other toe on the other side. They don't know what they

think. One day, they'll say one thing, next day, they'll say something else. Most of the people

shaking out of that group are falling our way, not the other way, and this is a good thing. This

only comes because those people that finally kind of wake up to what's going on, they feel the

hand in their back pocket, right? They feel the damage to their bodies. People like Eric Clapton,

for instance, just good example, who's always been kind of a rebel.

Patrick Wood:

I wouldn't want to put him in the total mass formation camp, but he succumbed to taking a shot

initially. I think he's got boosted after that, but it paralyzed his hands. Now, if people don't know

who Clapton is, he's one of the arguably, I think one of the best guitarists on the planet and he's

76 years old now. He unfortunately just got COVID after he's vaccinated, fully vaxxed, but he

got COVID anyway. But he lost, his hands were paralyzed and scared the pants off of him. You

can imagine, guys, his whole life is wrapped up in his hands.

Patrick Wood:

All of a sudden, he can't play. He figured, “Maybe I'll never play what.” In that state, you'd do

some thinking, right? And he did some thinking. He says, something's really wrong here. People

like that are personally impacted, they really start to change their worldview when they realize,

"Hey man, I'm hurting now. It's not my neighbor, not the guy down the streets. Me." And so,

some of those people are shaken out. This is finally a good thing. Is it too late, too little? I don't

know, but I'm glad to say, it happened.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Well, and so, Mattias says, is that those of us who are in the 10% really need to express their

voices. Interestingly, he's convinced that it's better done in person rather than virtually.

Patrick Wood:

I agree.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

We could take a side step because you are in the middle, as we're recording this, of a tourPatrick Wood:


Dr. Joseph Mercola:

-in a live tour. Why don't you tell us a little about that tour and what your experience has been

with that?

Patrick Wood:

Yes. I fully identify with what Mattias is saying about meeting in person is different than

meeting on Zoom like we are right now. This is really good, but we would have a completely

different dynamic, if we're meeting in person. We could see each other in 3D, we could talk, we

could touch, whatever. You could hear the vibration of our voices. In the Zoom video, of course,

you're losing half the frequency that you would have if we were in person.

There's lots of differences, but Desmet has it right on that. We need to reconnect with other

humans, physically, personally, and get away from all the electronic communications and stuff,

and just sit down with people across the table and talk to them. But having said that, we have

been involved in this Crimes Against Humanity Tour across the nation. There's just four of us

who prepared a message. It's a one-day message on stage andDr. Joseph Mercola:

Who are the other three?

Patrick Wood:

Well, just give it an order presentation, me first in the morning to set the stage for globalization

and what's happening on the global stage. Dr. Judy Mikovits usually goes next.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

She's a favorite.

Patrick Wood:

She brings her eyewitness testimony to what happened with Anthony Fauci and her over the

years and stuff. It's very germane right now. Then Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the international lawyer

who has orchestrated the Corona Investigative Committee, as well as the grand jury of public

opinion. He's interviewed hundreds of hours now on tape of people, experts from all over the

planet. I mean, it's really amazing. Then lastly, Dr. Richard Fleming of Dallas, he is not only

scientist and doctor, but he's also a lawyer. He's got through quite an interesting mix of skills. I

don't know how long he went to school for all that, butDr. Joseph Mercola:

That was many years. He was well past 30 when he finished hisPatrick Wood:

I can imagine, but I'll tell you, he's got a lot to say and so the four of usDr. Joseph Mercola:

Yeah, smart guy, I've interviewed him before, he's a smart guy.

Patrick Wood:

Yeah. Yeah. The four of us are giving a joint presentation on turning the audience into a grand

jury. “Okay, you decide now, we'll give you the evidence on what we have discovered, these are

big crimes against humanity,” and that term spills out of the Nuremberg Code, by the way.

Patrick Wood:

Most generally, the actors that have been involved with the great pandemic that we've had in the

last two years, we believe that there is a great case to be made that indeed crimes against

humanity have been committed in the same context and sense that they were discovered at the

Nuremberg trials that produced the Nuremberg Code, which is now embedded in every nation on

earth and their legal system and in our country and every state as well. It's interesting to find out.

Patrick Wood:

Medical experimentation is verboten, period, and yet it has happened anyway with no informed

consent along the way, and shots going into the arm and stuff happening and people getting sick

and dying and the old drill, “What went wrong?” We're presenting this case to the American

public in person, and I will say the dynamic of talking to a live audience today is a breath of

fresh air for me, personally. I think everybody else would say the same thing.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

How many people are at your events and how manyPatrick Wood:

It's been horrible. It's been horrible.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

What do you mean horrible?

Patrick Wood:

Well, the attendance has just been in the tank. We expected, we had hoped there would be 1,500

to 2,000 people at each event, but it hasn't turned out that way. We've had a couple hundred,

typically, and that's probably going to increase as we go on, but it has underperformed our

expectations at this point. But nevertheless, I will say this, the quality of people who have been

there has been astounding and we've made some great connections, made some great new

contacts and stuff with people that we would not have otherwise met.

Word is getting out that this is serious business right now. Of course, we're competing with all

these other things going on as society right now, the economy's about ready to roll into recession,

you've got the stock market about ready to fall into a bear market, officially. Lots of volatility

everywhere you look, and still, there's a lot of uncertainty about our mask coming back. It's

COVID, whole wave coming back at us again. Are they going to give it to us again? You were

competing with all that, too.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Yeah. Yeah. I wanted to dive into that aspect now because you mentioned it on your other

interview, too, in that you warned people and I share these feelings deeply, I agree with you that

this is a lull, it is not over. It is not getting better, and it is never, never going back to the way it

was. We don't want it to go back that way because that's what precipitated this. I think it's a good

point to give us your insights from studying to think for three decades and understanding the

players and what their long-term strategies are as to what you think some of the next steps are.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

I know part of it is this digital identification of individuals, which started with the vax passport,

which kind of failed somewhat, but still set the stage for it, which is going to progress into digital

IDs. It's just going to then be the ultimate destruction of humanity, which is the Central Bank

Digital Currencies, the CBDCs, which is coming almost every central bank is going to

implement that within I think, three years, maybe five of the most, probably three to four.

We've got what appears to be disaster coming towards us, like a freight train. My guess is, and I

suspect you'll agree that the past two years is going to seem like a picnic compared to what's


Patrick Wood:

Yeah. This is the nature of revolution. If my hypothesis is true, that January 2020 was the coup

d'état that started this war in earnest, the hot war, if you will, versus just kind of the leading up to

it and everything. Lots of bad stuff happened from 9/11 through 2020 that we could point to and

say, well, it looked like somebody's orchestrating this obviously, but man, it went into a hot war

literally, globally as well on January 2020. Revolutions never stop with one attack. That's

obvious, almost, I'm sure it's self-evident.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Sorry to interrupt you, but who is instigating revolution? Is it the global cabal tyranny that's

doing this? I mean, it's clearly not the populace.

Patrick Wood:

No, it's not.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Because normally, when we think of revolution, you think of the American Revolution, so the

patriots, who went over through the British tyranny, but this is the reverse [crosstalk 00:16:08].

Patrick Wood:

It is. What we have and kind of the clearest term, maybe to get across quickly, we have what's

going on called The Great Reset of the planet, and The Great Reset that it's become a

catchphrase. I mean, everybody's kind of talking about it. Most people don't have a clue what it

means yet, but is promoted by the World Economic Forum, which is tightly interlinked and

coupled with the United Nations. This elite group of people represent, in mix, all of the people

that were originally in the Trilateral Commission back in the 1970s, same kinds of people, same

agenda to transform the world into their vision, the way they think things ought to be. These are

the people that have orchestrated this whole thing and they're the ones that are pushing it right


Patrick Wood:

It's easy to identify. Most of the people involved in this, you can look at the Klaus Schwabs and

the Bill Gates, and the thousand companies that belong to the World Economic Forum, they all

have CEOs, board members, et cetera, that are part of the World Economic Forum. It's pretty

easy to identify them today. The idea that is of The Great Reset is complete transformation of

society and individuals that live in this society.

The World Economic Forum is bold talking about both. They talk about this technocratic

takeover on one hand, but reform society, that is the structures of society, the institutions, but

they also talk, at the same time, about the restructuring of humanity itself. That is the merging of

technology with human condition, with the flesh, the changing of genetic code, humans 2.0,

humanity 2.0, H+ is another term is used.

Patrick Wood:

This is mad scientist type of stuff, Joe. It's like to the average guy on the street has never been

exposed to this. I mean, are we talking like War of the Worlds or something that appeared on the

radio back in the '30s or '40s and everybody freaked out? It's hard to get your head around how

evil this whole thing is and it's all uninvited. Nobody asked for it, they just did it. They have just

done it and it didn't just happen. That's another thing that's really important to understand this

didn't just come out of the blue or fall out of the sky from outer space. This has been in the works

for a very long time.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

Indeed. It's interesting you say, mention that the – well, aside from the fact that it's been planned

and when you say a long time and that's a somewhat nebulous term, of course, but it's at least

decades, right? At least decades.

Patrick Wood:

It will.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

It maybe longer.

Patrick Wood:

Yes. I'll take you back purposely and intentionally here, I'll take you back to 1992. This was such

an important discovery for me. In 1992, you remember was the year that the Agenda 21 was

created at Rio de Janeiro. That was the genesis of sustainable development. That's where that

doctrine was openly described. The Agenda 21 and the biodiversity convention that took place at

the same time was the agenda for 21st century. It was foundational in the sense that laid out all

kinds of stuff that's happening today, just nobody really paid attention. Of course, everybody

called it a conspiracy theory along the way. If you mention Agenda 21, 10 years ago, you're

definitely wearing a tinfoil hat. Nobody would listen to you, “Oh, that's crazy talk.” But going

back to that day today in light of what's happened here now, there was a great book that was

released in 1994 called “The Earth Brokers.”

Patrick Wood:

The two authors were scholars. They were also the original environmental crowd. They weren't

on our side necessarily at all, but they went to Agenda 21, the real conference and good faith

figuring that there was going to be some negotiation to dial back the development that was

messing with the Third World and try to get the planet back together. They went hoping to turn

some things around and they came away from the Agenda 21 conference completely

disillusioned and they wrote a book called the Earth Brokers in 1994, two years later.

In that book, they criticized the Agenda 21 process. They started out by saying something like

this, we argue that UNCTAD, that's the United Nations Conference on [Trade and

Development]. “We argue that UNCTAD has boosted precisely the type of industrial

development that is destructive for the environment, the planet and its inhabitants.”

Patrick Wood:

We see how as a result of UNCTAD, the rich would get richer, the poor poorer, while more and

more of the planet is destroyed in the process. What can we say, but amen to that? Here we are

today, it's exactly what's happened. But they went on and talked about the biodiversity

convention, which I said ran at parallel with Agenda 21 conference, same conference, same

people, same buildings, that it just two different thought tracks.

They wrote about the biodiversity convention, which has become incredibly important today to

the United Nations. They said the convention implicitly equates the diversity of life, that is

animals and plants to the diversity of genetic codes. By doing so, diversity becomes something

modern science can manipulate. It promotes biotechnology as being essential for the

conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

Patrick Wood:

They redefined the term “biodiversity” for one, but they went on and said, the main stake raised

by the biodiversity convention is the issue of ownership and control over biological diversity.

The major concern was protecting the pharmaceutical and emerging biotechnology industries.

That was their assessment. To which today we can say, “Bingo, that is exactly what happened

back then, and this is exactly the expression today that we see of the genetic takeover of life on

planet Earth.” They've gotten the seeds, they've gotten the plants, they've gotten the animals.

Patrick Wood:

Now, you have people like the chief medical officer of Moderna, Tal Zaks is his name – never

met him, but I don't know that I want to either. But he said, and this was on their website at one

point. I think they've taken it down since. He said, this is Moderna, the prime maker and

developer of the messenger RNA shot. “We are actually hacking the software of life,” he says,

“we think about it as an operating system.” If you could actually change that, if you could

introduce a line of code or change a line of code, it turns out it has profound implications for

everything. No kidding.

Patrick Wood:

You look at this in the whole scope of things, from '92 on, all the stuff that's happened, the

legislation has protected and isolated the Big Pharma industry and stuff. These crazy people were

on the loose back then, and they pulled kind of the pre-coup, you call it that, they laid the

groundwork for the coup in 1992, protecting the pharmaceutical and emerging biotech industries.

That's what we have today, companies like Moderna making messenger RNA injections that

meddle with the human condition. This has never happened before. All other species, everything

else has happened. But now, the genetic makeup of mankind is in question.

Dr. Joseph Mercola:

But the historical or the origins of this movement goes back far further than that, I mean, in the

'70s, you got the Trilateral Commission, and then you talk about in your books and your

presentation of how it goes back and even into the '30s.

Patrick Wood:


Dr. Joseph Mercola:

The origins in the United States and Canada, actually, you share how you did some interesting

reviews because most of the correspondence occurring in the '30s was by handwritten letters on

microfilm that you eventually dug up and read and digested and kind of understood what they

were doing. Yes, why don't you just share that?

Because, I mean, you talk about it in the other one where you missed this, because the originators

of the technocracy movements in the '30s got in some type of argument with the Hearst

newspaper empire, which was the major empire for media back then, it was the media. Because

of that, they forbade any of the writers to talk about them so it kind of got buried for a few


Patrick Wood:

It did, and that's exactly right. What happened was Howard Scott, who happened to be one of the

co-founders of Technocracy Inc., but he was also kind of the leader of the group at Columbia

University when it was housed there at Columbia in 1932. He had promoted himself as being a

certified engineer and kind of one of the intellectual guys that would fit in to Columbia

University. He wasn't from Columbia, but he was kind of heading the movement there at


It was discovered while there that he was a complete fraud. He had no engineering degree at all.

He was just a blowhard. He was a promoter, basically a con man, and Nicholas Murray Butler,

the president of Columbia, who was a big name dropper and a big global in his own right. He

flipped out, he just freaked and he drop-kicked him out of Columbia, summarily, “Out of here,

don't ever come back.”

Patrick Wood:

They occupied half the basement at Hamilton Hall at the time, it was no easy thing to get them

all out, but he said, you're just, “Take a march right now, you're out of here.” Well, by the same

token, Howard Scott was out working in the media like crazy and he worked the Hearst empire

to get articles about technocracy published all across the country.

When Randolph Hearst discovered, as Butler did, that he had been taken for a ride, and that his

media empire had been manipulated. He freaked out and he sent out a memo, actual telegramtype memo. He set out a memo that every newspaper in the country said, “If anybody ever

mentions technocracy again, you're fired.” Well, it took care of that. The history books simply

didn't have anything, when history has a 25-year lag typically.


Źródło https://www.technocracy.news/wood-mercola-its-crucial-to-understand-what-were-up-against/

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